Info: '• This program will replace strings of spaces with Tabs, and remove trailing spaces, line by line, in text files. The user may choose to remove leading spaces or replace them with tabs.'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=79, x2=481, y2=129
Type: -120
Info: '• The user must specify the maximum number (1-255) of spaces to allow. Any set of spaces greater than that number will be replaced with a single tab, including leading spaces if so desired.'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=148, x2=480, y2=180
Type: -120
Info: '• ‘Filter ASCII #0-8’ will remove all characters with an ASCII value lower than 9.'
Bounds: x1=10, y1=200, x2=480, y2=219
Type: -120
Info: '• Output files, named by the user, remain standard text files.'